Sunday, February 17, 2008

bible study

When we carefully study the bible, there are a couple of important principals to follow. The first principal is to acknowledge that Christ is God and it is He who is the author of the entire bible. Man did not write the bible, for "Men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (2 Peter 1:21, 2 Timothy 3:16). The second principal is that we must compare scripture with scripture (1 Corinthians 2:13), meaning that when we come across a verse, we must look into the bible to see what else God has to say about that subject before making a conclusion to the meaning of that verse. A great way to help do this is by using Stong's Concordance. When there is a word we are stuck on or we want a better understanding of a certain word, we can type it into the concordance and see how the greek or hebrew word was used in it's original definition. It also shows where else God uses that kind of language. Oh my, what a great key that God gave us to help understand what He want's mankind to know! The third principal of many, is to pray for wisdom. The Holy Bible is not an ordinary book, it is a spiritual book, the living and breathing words of Almighty God. God reveals His word through progressive revelation, and without His guidance and wisdom, the bible is useless to us. Oh brotheren, read the bible! read the bible! and pray for wisdom! Oh how wonderful it is to hear the word of the Lord who created the heavens and the universe. I hope that God will open the spiritual eyes of everyone who passes through this website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eich one teach one